

A plant such as the Schefflera is a member of the Araliaceae family. In the wild, it can be found in the tropics in any part of the world. Most commonly it is found in Australia, China, the Pacific Islands and Japan. Wild Schaefflera is not a very large trees or shrubs.

This plant is prized by florists for its beautiful, showy leaves, which are very similar to a human palm with the fingers spaced far apart. The leaf laminae are placed on a high petiole and are split into 4-12 lobes that grow from the 1st point. In some countries this flower is referred to as a dwarf umbrella or umbrella tree.

The elongated, brush-like inflorescences of this plant are very similar to tentacles or antennae. But you can look at them only in a botanical garden, and all because in room conditions chefflera does not flower. But it can decorate any room thanks to its graceful shape and spectacular foliage.

This flower is very often grown as a ficus bendjamin, or rather, it is grown as a large solitaire plant at home, forming it in the form of a bush having a rather large size or a tree.

The high shoots of such a plant are not very thick, because that’s often in one pot put several young Schaeffler. And then from them form a common stem (intertwined). If the pot is planted only one tall flower, for him to usually make a support.

This plant is easy enough to grow in room conditions and this is because it is completely undemanding and unpretentious. Take care of it in much the same way as for other common house plants.

Please note! Chevleura contains substances that, on contact with mucous membranes or skin, can cause irritation. Therefore, any manipulation with it should be careful.



  • Basic care rules
  • Maintenance conditions
  • Watering
  • Winter care
  • Pruning and shaping
  • How to transplant
  • Tools
  • Disease and pest prevention